Relocation relocation relocation! How a relocation consultant can help you move to Austria

06-Jun-2024 | relocation Relocation relocation relocation! How a relocation consultant can help you move to Austria

Moving to Austria? You've heard of relocation services but not sure what they do or, more importantly, how they can help you? This post explains it all.

Moving can be daunting, overwhelming and chaotic. Now add in a new country and you've a recipe for even more stress, albeit with a sprinkle of excitement. Whilst tackling a move to Austria solo is possible, engaging a good relocation service provider can significantly dial down the stress levels, making the process less daunting, less overwhelming, and less chaotic. 

Challenges faced by international movers

Before we delve into the role relocation service providers play in moving individuals and families across borders, we’ve gathered together some genuine soundbites expressed by expats in Vienna, when discussing their move to Austria.

  1. “So much paperwork… and I mean… sooo much paperwork…
    Bureaucracy is unavoidable when relocating to Austria. It can be agonising, as everything hinges on legal requirements tailored to the individual, such as nationality, legal status, and purpose of relocation, and the sheer volume can be overwhelming… then there are rental agreements, local authority registrations, school applications, setting up accounts… the list goes on!

  2. “… And it’s all in German – Google Translate just isn’t cutting it!”
    Legal paperwork is no-one’s favourite pastime, let alone in another language, and Google Translate is a wonderful tool, but less helpful when official documents are concerned, or when speaking to the necessary authorities to book appointments and attend said appointments. Having a fluent German speaker on your side is invaluable.

  3. “I worry that I’m going to make mistakes and delay my move.”
    When a process is unfamiliar, it’s normal to worry that you’re doing something wrong, even when you’re not! It’s the not knowing, either way, until it’s potentially too late. And there’s just so much information out there, and it’s changing all the time.

    From first timers to seasoned international movers, when you move to a new country, there are so many unknowns, which leads to fear of missing crucial steps in the process.

  4. “There isn’t enough time in the day to do it all – I suppose I could just sleep less…!”
    There are so many tasks: big and small – from packing up all of your belongings in your current home, closing accounts, saying goodbye to friends and family, and managing the day-to-day family responsibilities… and you’re also expected to start work or university as soon as you arrive in Austria... and don’t forget everything that needs to be done when you get there. It can be so overwhelming – however, sacrificing sleep shouldn't be the answer!

  5. “Why is everything taking so long?”
    Uncertainty about timeframes for processes exacerbates stress. Unfortunately, legal processes do take time, and in Austria, this is certainly no exception. And working with unfamiliar entities leaves newcomers at a disadvantage: when is the right time to follow up and when is the right time to stay patient? Having someone that understands the process, and the expected timeframes, can help put your mind at ease.

  6. “How do I even start looking for a new home?”
    Housing platforms in Austria may be seen as quite rudimentary, depending on what you're used to: listings are not always standardised, so it can be difficult to compare costs accurately (for example, rent plus additional service fees), and the breakdown of costs may be confusing, with unfamiliar service fees and real estate definitions. Moreover, photos are of mixed quality, making it hard to visualise suitability. 

    In addition, individual real estate agencies are limited to showing you accommodation based on what they have on their books, which may lead to doubts about whether they have your best interests at heart.

    Property in Vienna is in high demand, so it’s important to act quickly too, before they get snapped up, which only adds to the stress of the home search.

  7. “Three times the effort and frustration for very simple things, they're all very simple things!”
    When you're in your home country, and you speak the language, these jobs may require a little time, but are almost second nature: you know who the suppliers are, you know which comparison sites to trust, you have trusted people around you to give you advice, and you can ask all those questions in ways that drive the answers you're looking for. 

    When you're in a different country, don't speak the language, and you don't have your trusted network around you, the challenge is amplified. The additional problem is, you don't even know what you don't know (as expressed by several expats in Vienna)! For instance, within three days of signing your rental agreement, you need to register with your local authority (Meldezettel), then there's opening a bank account, setting up your utilities (gas, electricity and water), home insurance, mobile phone contract, internet ...!

    Then there are the routine tasks, the day-to-day, that causes, for want of a better word, 'micro-frustrations' – not knowing where to find essential services: a trusted family doctor or dentist, a pharmacy, a good hairdresser, a gym or that supermarket which stocks that particular food item that reminds you of home.

What is a relocation service provider?

A relocation agency is your go-to support system for moving to a new country – assisting companies, assignees and private individuals. They offer a wide range of services designed to simplify and streamline the moving process, such as securing your permit to live, work or study abroad, finding a home, assisting with schooling needs, setting up utilities and all those other jobs that need to be done so you can start making Vienna your new home.


How can a relocation service provider help you?

In simple terms, a good relocation consultant removes all those concerns expressed by the international movers above! Let's look at how they do this:



An experienced relocation service provider understands the bureaucratic process, they will have worked with many of the authorities, real estate agents, lawyers, suppliers, educational institutions and other entities involved in moving to Austria for many years, and on a regular basis, making the entire process more effective and efficient with their involvement, and ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. Plus, a good relocation consultant will be managing their clients' expectations regarding timings to give them peace of mind that everything is on track. 


Local knowledge

Firstly, it goes without saying that working with a relocation consultant overcomes the language barrier with managing bureaucracy and formalities. Check!


In addition, they are a fountain of local knowledge – on all things Vienna and Austria, but as importantly that information is up-to-date and relevant. They can address all your questions and concerns, take you on an orientation tour around the city, exploring the neighbourhoods and helping you to get a sense of your new surroundings. The more research and insight conducted before making those big life decisions will go a long way.


Impartial, unbiased advice

A good relocation consultant should be dedicated to finding the best solutions for their clients. Here, at recom relocation, we take pride in our strong network of partners and suppliers developed over years of collaboration. However, we operate completely independently, always prioritising our clients’ best interests. The advice and support we provide are tailored specifically to meet their individual needs.


In summary, a good relocation service provider saves you time, effort and stress – enabling you to move to Austria knowing that all the essentials have been taken care of properly, so you can focus on your new role and settling into your new life in Austria.

Let's now take a look at some of the specific services that recom relocation provides.


Key services provided by recom relocation

Below you'll find a selection of immigration and relocation services that we offer at recom relocation.

Key services provided by recom relocation
Key services provided by recom relocation

Considering moving to Austria? You've been offered a job in Vienna? 

Talk to a relocation specialist that can provide insight into moving to and living in Vienna and Austria, from providing general and practical information on life in Austria to addressing specific questions or concerns you may have.

Working alongside our experienced immigration lawyers, support and advice is provided for work visas and residence permits for all EU and non-EU citizens, for both initial application and renewals.

An orientation tour through Vienna with an itinerary based on your pre-determined preferences and needs. The tour may include visiting desired residential areas, shopping districts and markets. 

Information is given on the housing market and what it's like to live in Austria, with insights into the land and people, as well as local customs. And of course, it's the perfect opportunity to have all your questions on living in Austria answered.

It is also possible to have an orientation meeting online.

Intercultural training helps individuals and families adapt to the cultural nuances of a new country, to bridge cultural gaps and enhance understanding, making your move to Austria smoother and more comfortable.

Workshops are conducted by a certified and experienced trainer that can be tailored to accommodate professional requirements and personal learning, depending on the needs of the client.

Relocation services offered for accommodation is for both temporary and long-term/ permanent accommodation, depending on your needs.

Support is also provided with negotiating with real estate agents and landlords and finalising rental agreements.

When moving to Austria, knowing your children are settled and happy is crucial. From birth to school, services offered are:

  • expert advice on the Austrian school system
  • guidance on most suitable schools for you and your children's needs
  • support with registration and enrolment procedure
  • arranging childcare allowance
  • information and advice on healthcare, prenatal clinics and hospitals

Once you've arrived in Austria, there are all the formalities that need to be carried out to get you up and running, recom relocation can help with services such as:

  • Address registration “Meldezettel”
  • Co-insurance
  • Vehicle import
  • Driving licence exchange
  • Opening bank accounts
  • Setting up utilities
  • Q&A on living in Vienna essentials (such as leisure and shopping, parking and public transport)

Support with leaving the country:

  • support handover of the rental property
  • organise necessary repairs of rental property
  • de-registration with local authorities, health and social insurance
  • closing down accounts


Hopefully you now have a better understanding of what a relocation service provider is and how they can be of benefit to you when moving to another country. If you are planning to move to Austria and would like to know more about how recom relocation can support you in this process, get in touch!

Written By: Martine Pey