recom relocation ecovadis silver sustainability rating april 2024

07-Jun-2024 | HR Recom Relocation earns Silver EcoVadis Sustainability Rating (2024)

We are delighted to announce that Recom Relocation has been awarded the Silver Rating by EcoVadis for its commitment to sustainability.

Achieving this prestigious Silver EcoVadis Sustainability Rating has placed Recom Relocation among the top 15% of companies assessed globally in the last 12 months. We have taken a proactive approach to embedding environmental responsibility and ethical practices into the heart of our operations and are thrilled to be recognised for our efforts.


Understanding EcoVadis: The benchmark for sustainability

EcoVadis is the global standard and world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. Their rigorous evaluation process assesses companies based on their sustainability and ethical practices across four key areas: Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. EcoVadis has rated over 130,000 companies, spanning more than 180 countries across 220 different industries.

Its business sustainability ratings are based on international sustainability standards, including the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Organization conventions, the Global Reporting Initiative and the ISO 26000. These ratings not only offer a performance analysis but also serve as a roadmap for ongoing improvement. 

Our definition of sustainability

Our collaboration with EcoVadis and the adoption of their sustainability framework have been instrumental in advancing our sustainability goals.

Achieving an overall score of 70, Recom Relocation now ranks in the 92nd percentile globally, a testament to our dedication to sustainability across all facets of our operations. Our path to sustainability has been marked by a series of thoughtful and deliberate actions. We have put in place a robust anti-corruption framework and set clear Key Performance Indicators to track our environmental initiatives. By monitoring the hours dedicated to employee training, we are laying the groundwork for future enhancements in this area. Our commitment is now firmly rooted in the ongoing improvement in three key areas: Labour and Human Rights, Environmental Stewardship, and Ethical Conduct. This inclusive approach has seen every member of our team play an active role, resulting in a positive impact not only on our sustainability efforts, but also on our collective workplace environment.

This milestone underscores Recom Relocation's unwavering commitment to sustainable practices. As we continue on this journey, we remain resolute in our pursuit of a more sustainable future. 

Written By: Martine Pey